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1. 探索远古遗迹

当你开始探索远古遗迹时,你需要 closely examine every corner of the map, 以查找隐蔽的通路和宝藏。你可以使用地图上的指南针找到宝藏的方向,并使用物品来解开困惑或打败敌人。一些提示:在探索过程中保持警惕;跳跃过程中躲避陷阱和敌人。

2. 收集装备

收集装备(weapons、armor、amulets等)assist you in your quest through the ruins and may even take you closer to the ultimate goal. Basically, upgrading your weapons and armor can make a huge difference in your ability to complete the missions.

3. 学习技巧

Before heading off into the ruins, take some time to review the skills you’ve learned and how to attack and defend. Focus on the your opponent’s remaining HP and attack power,学会适当控制距离。Attack the opponents weakness, use the environment, and use your skills to gain the advantage in combat.

4. 解开宝箱

Along the way you will come across chests containing rare equipment and other treasures. To open the chests, check the surroundings to see if there are traps or danger lurking about. Unleash your brain power to solve the puzzles,but 切记仔细检查周围的环境,规避危险。

5. 战斗技巧


6. 掌握剧情


7. 每一次的失败都是一种经验

不要因为失败而绝望、放弃,反而要从失败中吸取经验教训,获取一些新的想法,这样对于你的后续策略是有好处的。Additionally, 不要因为难度过大而放弃,反而要多加努力,Eventually you’ll reach your goals.

